perhaps the unanticipated minority voice of minority trains of thought, or not. it would behoove the reader to just hang through it a bit. something unexpected and clear might arise.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

on relocating wild beasts

a wild creature one day just walked all four-legged into my reality, starved for dry bread and that, impossible to just shoo it away or ignore. instead, i wished to try to cultivate it like some wild onion. five years in the works, this silvery cat having had several more silvery kittens of her own (only one of which survived parking lots and precipes to my knowledge), a regular taming system was certainly set into place by yours truly. my wife and i moved a few miles south of where we spent that five years, and having felt certain obligation (and perhaps a bit of love) towards these anonymous beings, decided to move them where and when we move. several weeks was spent luring these two into humane traps so we could transport them, and once this small miracle was at completion, they spent three weeks on our back porch getting used to the new digs bit by scared bit. one morning we opened the cage and let them out. likely several days they spent slowly leaving the relative safety of the area. typically, a few days will go by before they return. for us it was several weeks, with only the mother returning to scarf down three times her usual quantity. moving is a most unpleasant experience for me, even if my new home were to be the Taj Majal. infinite unknown variables, most perceived as threatening to the increasing sensitivity I have to noise, draw me more towards my ideal of a quiet, plant-filled, and what passes theses days as 'hip hop'-free environment. cats as represented by wounded woodpeckers and soaking wet creatures who arrive at dusk in my dreams are my current perceptions of these pets of mine. the temptation of ignorance, and it's tasty strychnine, setting me off from a kind of independence.


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