austin in wintertoday was wet and cold. i visited a big warehouse full of used office furniture and related items. it was dark, i could see my breath, and there were blue office-sized trash cans that zinged blue from the large but weakish overhead lights. i'd like to go back for photographing, in that whole neighborhood for that matter. today i intended to, then it really began to change drizzle into almost icy rain. and on a sunday. nobody outside. what a joy. i've been subjectively waxing overcautious about stagnation and things that just won't go away. in part, what i mean is that i took one half planned yet extraordinary trip to scandanavia via bicycle some many years ago now, and have waited so long for another such trip who i'm not sure which reasons. i found a website this afternoon for the north sea cycle route - seems i biked a sizeable portion of this behemoth 6000 km marked route back in 1997. things might be ripe for a revisit somewhere along this seven country terrain. if there's anything i like as much as the chihuahuan desert it's a moorish fjord-like landscape terraformed over the centuries by smallish grazing mammals.
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