perhaps the unanticipated minority voice of minority trains of thought, or not. it would behoove the reader to just hang through it a bit. something unexpected and clear might arise.

Monday, February 27, 2006

i had a weird weekend. for one, i spent a rainy saturday potting up my new containers , quite please with the results of what was a lot of work. i think i got sick however. it started as a throat thing, now a chest thing, which is the same old recipe, but my memory is good - i just recovered from such an illness less than two weeks ago.

sunday, i went to the usual hike and bike trail. it was very full, people everywhere. for the first time in my life, i watched a guy abuse his dog in public. it was downright cruel. he was big, but i confronted him anyway. anyway, he stopped, and perhaps because i said i was calling the police, he and his woman got off the trail. i hope that dog makes a run for it some morning soon and never goes back to pain like loyal dogs do. what's weirder perhaps is that the woman with him was defending him, like he wasn't doing what he was doing. perhaps she's afraid too.

today was an in-service day at school, but was busy training high school kids for summer jobs. of all days not to use the loud voice and the intense back to back energy level, today was the day. what a mixed bag of emotions i have here. to say the training ended with a fight almost breaking out doesn't address the amazing questions students asked and the dynamics of the presenters and staff. sleeping off a fever might have been good, too.


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