perhaps the unanticipated minority voice of minority trains of thought, or not. it would behoove the reader to just hang through it a bit. something unexpected and clear might arise.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

maquey fields in the oaxacan valley

When I've got a bunch of things going on, so much so, I tend to drop out of communication. It's been a busy summer, sort of relaxing and sort of anxiety forming. You can see photos my from trip to Oaxaca, Mexico

Originally uploaded by dawidek.
or see a picture of my new car, my first new car, in which the planets aligned and I recognized it. You can also my new school I will be experiencing my first year as a teacher, Menchaca Elementary. So, three firsts, all big, hence the anxiety forming capabilities. The plus side of all this was petting burros in the forest in Cuajimoloyas, the look on the cashier's face at the thrift store as I bought three giant teddy bears, and of course driving the ultra-smooth Nissan Versa with the new car smell and CD player (I thought a tape player was luxury!). I've also been collecting a lot of music from the public library and burning CDs. Columbian cumbias and gaitas, anyone?


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