perhaps the unanticipated minority voice of minority trains of thought, or not. it would behoove the reader to just hang through it a bit. something unexpected and clear might arise.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

last update july 30th

that's almost funny. not that i've been consistent with much in the realm of writing. I've been trying to detemine how many times I can get sick or is that how many kinds of germs do kindergarten students harbor and can I catch them all? So the new life of a teacher has been rough rough though in recent weeks a little better. Making clay pots and reading has kept me centered a bit, as well as beer and buying plants. So hopefully I can sell off some of my stock before it really begins to get cold. I went to Belton, TX to take an exam which I don't think I passed. This is a little town half way to Waco, yes Waco. There was a lovely stretch of the old fashioned telephone lines with those blue glass insulators on top. I felt the pull to snatch them off, but did not. Instead I bought these from Ebay for a whopping 99 cents.

I got an update about the city my wife and I visited this summer which included nothing short of a federal invasion to disperse protesting teachers. I can attest to their calm and peaceful nature while I was there, much more fortunate than those who have been killed.
The weather has finally become cool and overcast which is my favorite for a while. It is November 3rd by the way. more later.


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