perhaps the unanticipated minority voice of minority trains of thought, or not. it would behoove the reader to just hang through it a bit. something unexpected and clear might arise.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

some interesting blogs

upon trying to find the music to an old album about dinosaurs called 'our dinosaur friends' I discovered two blogs that seem to have something to do with wfmu. Anyway, here they are:

http://crudcrud.blogspot.com/ - collects and samples old vinyl (this is where I found the T-Rex song, but couldn't actually find the mp3. hmmmm...

http://www.sweetthunder.org/tapes/ - someone who collects old tapes from thrift stores. i like that. here's an example

"Davey 1969 (8:15)In this recording from 1969 a young kid named Davey describes his family trip to Disneyland. He talks about some highlights like going on the new rides Pirates of the Caribbean and the Haunted Mansion. Davey also performs a pretty weird song about goblins and does some impersonations at the end of the tape. "

also of note - i experienced for the first time the neti pot, which is a way of washing the inside of your nose (I know, it's kind of gross). click here if you have the remotest interest in watching a video about it.


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