perhaps the unanticipated minority voice of minority trains of thought, or not. it would behoove the reader to just hang through it a bit. something unexpected and clear might arise.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

where's david?

hey, just because this blog has accumulated many cyber-dust bunnies doesn't mean i've stopped existing. if you have come because you'd like to see me this winter and possibly buy some succulent planters, I am not going to be at Cherrywood Art Fair this year. after five years, they have shown me the door, offering me only a place outdoors, a weather gamble i'd not like to make. whatever.

so, what does this mean? i am making pots actively, with many new designs, and have way too many succulents that i need to part with in a serious way ;0. my plan is to post to craigslist and sell them from my home at the same time period, possibly two weekends in december. i will keep you all posted as to when that happens via this blog.
yesterday alone, i made 23 pots, and am feeling some anxiety about not seeing my regular succulent friends. i invite you to my one man show, as soon as it becomes a reality.


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