perhaps the unanticipated minority voice of minority trains of thought, or not. it would behoove the reader to just hang through it a bit. something unexpected and clear might arise.

Monday, May 28, 2007

what to bring.... and I'm off

gear list – Denmark June 2007

front left pannier:

large pocket –

2 pairs of shorts
1 pair of thermal underwear
4 pairs of underwear
1 long sleeve riding shirt (wicking)
2 short sleeve riding shirts (wicking)
1 t-shirt (wicking)
lock and cable
toiletry bag – 2 4 oz. soaps, herbal bug repellent, plastic mirror, band aids, multivitamins, small sun block for face, first aid kit, sewing kit, eyedrops, toothbrush, floss, razor, allergy medications

front pocket –

clothesline and clothespins
wash rag
scrubbing pad
sun block

front right pannier:

large pocket –

swim suit
4 pairs of socks
sheet and pillowcase
wet wipes
large duffel bag
camp stove

front pocket-

riding gloves
Velcro straps for pant legs
foam pieces for handlebars (4)

left back pannier:

smaller pocket-

plastic mug
bike lights
small aluminum pot
aluminum pot gripper
some food items – granola bars, peanut butter, tea, candy bars

large pocket –

fleece gloves
fleece socks
wool hat
fleece jacket
sleeping bag liner
tent liner

back right pannier:

smaller pocket –

bike pump
bungee cords
bike tube

bike tool bag containing:

socket tool, multi tool, adjustable wrench, chain tool, tire changing tools, pocket knife, small roll of duct tape, tire patches, assorted bolts, clamps, and chain parts

chain lubricant
chain brush
dirty rag for cleaning chain

big pocket –

thermarest pad
sleeping bag
inflatable pillow
brake and gear cables
extra spokes (3 back, 2 front)

lunch box

camera and batteries
important documents (passport, plane ticket, money, etc.)

daypack- put between back two panniers for food, water, etc.

2 waterbottles
and myself.....


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