perhaps the unanticipated minority voice of minority trains of thought, or not. it would behoove the reader to just hang through it a bit. something unexpected and clear might arise.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

steamroller event 2001
my instructor and i are pulling a print on fabric from my block

in the works
in an earlier post, i put a photo of some grackles bathing on town lake, here in austin. i've decided to create a large woodcut based on this image. both this photo and the one above show this block in different stages. the top photo shows the reversed image painted in black on a piece of plywood that has been stained grey. this bottom one shows a portion of the cutting, where the cut areas show up as lighter. in this way, i can tell what i've done and what i have left to do. next weekend, this block will be printed at the University of Texas using a steamroller. that's right, a steamroller! hej, if you're in town and would like to check it out, 11-3 this saturday, march 5th, at the back end of the fine art building (behind sculpture, metals, and ceramics).

Thursday, February 24, 2005

the walk out from twin falls - barton creek

although it is only the end of february, spring is officially here. how do i know? it's the parade of blooming plants in this order: irises, daffodils/paperwhites, wild onion, tradescantias, mountain laurels, redbuds, carolina jessamine and lady banks roses. if i looked hard, i would have also found the tulip magnolias and quinces, but i don't live in hyde park anymore, where those old austin plants are planted away in corners. since the frost free date for this part of central texas is still a few weeks off, the most killing freezes are still in the time frame to come. because i am lazy and don't want to cover my plants, i wish for more swarmishly humid conditions.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

my succulent garden

the west-facing suits them

Monday, February 21, 2005

this is exhausting

patience is not what it used to be for me. i can't plow through learning about something so steady-like or go slow and learn a bit at a time. more the over-stimulation and closing in of time. surely so much coffee can not help. so many projects happening at the same time, management, planning. ... . . something concrete? i found a puddle of broken car window in a parking lot, gathered up the squarish blue bits on the way home, and put them around some of my plants out the front door. glamourous, really.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

portion of steamroller print - 2002

today was a heady and slogged out full of ideas festival of sensory overload. i definitely got in over my head on trying to do more than the most basic things with ye olde blog as it is. maybe i need to spend more time with anyone who has a modicum of a clue on this subject. it was balmy and i made the mistake of wearing long pants on a long bike ride through west campus (where i have not ventured for a long time). riding time - 35 minutes one way on varied sidewalks. maybe i schlep too much crap around or i'm really primed for a workout. arrrgh.

saw a real tear-jerker yesteday called japanese story -http://www.popmatters.com/film/reviews/j/japanese-story.shtml
the first half of the film was scenic but had no apparent direction and the acting seemed rather stiff and pointless - too many important details missing in a fledgling relationship gestating in the iron and white australian outback. then WHAM, major lachrymose plot shift and the same song in slightly different versions over and over.

memo to self - candy coat html and learn the smallest bit, o.k.?

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

BBC NEWS | In pictures: Mumbai's homeless

BBC NEWS | In pictures: Mumbai's homeless

fresh off the floor

1 of 5

these five paintings were done using craft acrylic paints that were given to me. they are painted on coarse burlap and are 11" x 12" each. this first one was painted so recently that the brownish paint is just dry enough to not slide down the surface.

4 of 5

3 of 5

2 0f 5

5 of 5