perhaps the unanticipated minority voice of minority trains of thought, or not. it would behoove the reader to just hang through it a bit. something unexpected and clear might arise.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

six weeks could be a long time
with no intention of complaining, lest the universe reflect that karmic ripple, i'm dead tired of the summer thing. 110 with the heat index, it's not for humans. take me into fall, father time..
which reminds me, i had a dream last night i found some glass military badges (?) that belonged to my father. one was pinkish and curved, and i couldn't understand how much importance my dad found in these intriguing objects.

Monday, August 22, 2005

what's the haps in crawford?

today i talked to several people who spent the weekend in crawford, texas protesting the war in iraq. it was described to me as big feeling and perhaps the start of something. i heard on npr that the mayor of salt lake city (where the president went today to no doubt avoid any confrontation with his visitors at home) advocated protests in that city, saying "patriotism demands that people speak out when we see our government officials acting in such anti-democratic and deceitful ways to the people of our country."

....and in other news, that the governors of both new mexico and arizona have declared states of emergency due to the lack of anything substantial being done about the quanitity of illegal activity happening at and beyond the border. this is the only way these states can get any action on an issue the president has promised to address.

so i leave this short statement with this observation - the president claims that "the only way to defend to our citizens where we live is to go after the terrorists where they live.", which seems to make some sense. however, if we consider the origins of the sept. 11th attackers, shouldn't the military being making a visit to homes in saudi arabia, egypt, lebanon, and the uae? iraq, regardless of its ill will towards the u.s. historically, has become inundated by countless foreign militants and terrorists in the past few years alone, setting up roadside bombs or denonating themselves in crowded areas. so, if one wanted to argue that iraq harbors al-qaida terror networks, it could be thus - if it didn't then, it sure does now.

n.b. - rest assured, dear reader, that i have no intent of making this blog such an obvious political forum. i hope that my quilting speaks better of political statements than this entry, and with more frequency...

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Saturday, August 06, 2005

it makes a week now..

that i've been back in austin from our road trip to new mexico. i invite you the reader/viewer to my photoblog to see new mexico and west texas in all its glory. i bronzed up a bit and lounged around, which i'm rare to do (on both accounts), and took 514 pictures along the way. you might notice i have a certain fondness for the area....

Monday, August 01, 2005

how about that shuttle anyway....?

BBC NEWS | Nasa grounds space shuttle fleet