perhaps the unanticipated minority voice of minority trains of thought, or not. it would behoove the reader to just hang through it a bit. something unexpected and clear might arise.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

i just wanted to say thank you to everyone that came out to my big art fair event at Maplewood Elementary School. i dug seeing you and talking, meeting new people, and just being alive in december 2005. the weather was beautiful that weekend, but turned more drearyish the following weekend, so i decided not to set up at the 6th street market. last friday, my wife and i got back from a trip to the sea, which i wasn't sure if i'd like, but i really liked it a lot. the reason for possible not liking it comes from living on the gulf coast in florida for eight years, and despite surprise moments of beauty, lovely chaos, and/or other memorable events, the place was not for me. we even got to see a pair of whooping cranes, which alone compromise about 1% of the entire whooper population.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I will be selling artwork this weekend at the cherrywood art fair. more art than you can shake a stick at.