perhaps the unanticipated minority voice of minority trains of thought, or not. it would behoove the reader to just hang through it a bit. something unexpected and clear might arise.

Monday, September 26, 2005

vive la haine
a wise person once said that human emotions can be narrowed down to two basic ones: love and fear. today i left my yoga class and found this flyer on my windshield. it's of no surprise to me that it is not authored. replace 'homosexual' with 'commie', 'negro', 'jap', or the latest scapegoat terminology. oh, my dear grandchildren, corrupted by those heathen homosexuals!

Sunday, September 25, 2005

invasion de las langostas
aunque soy de un lugar muy diferente de donde vivo estos dias, bien recuerdo en el noreste los veranos y las langostas. es algo muy exotico en tejas central (y claro, en muchas partes del e.u.), y no lo puedo pensar bien de servicios/companias que envíen por correo criaturas del fondo de las aquas frias atlanticas a partes muy secos y lejos de sus hogares. cuando necesito quitarme de reir en un situacion serio, pienso de estos pobres que viajan en cajas osuras para llegar a su destino para ser hervido y comido por su recipientes, en un espirito de generosidad del remitente.

Monday, September 12, 2005

all flowers are temporal, anyway....
this past saturday i had a luxurious afternoon at the new yogayoga studio northwest, replete with free ice cream, yoga (of course), chair massages, henna painting, and a wonderful small group of musicians playing classical indian music. today i started my first day of kundalini yoga. there is a massive gong in the studio which can only be described as an audio jellyfish hendrix primordial ocean nanotechnological particle collider off the coast of peru. all from one instrument, at that. should be an interesting class.

the stapelia in bloom
katie, this picture's for you. it's been dry in austin, except that sunday it rained all day and was extra lovely. both buds had been ready to go, but i didn't notice until later in the day that they bloomed like fireworks, one after another. today i went by 'gardens' where i used to work back in the old day and bought an interesting shade plant called a variegated brake fern. it looks like little palmate leaves on a longish stem like a fern (which of course it is).