perhaps the unanticipated minority voice of minority trains of thought, or not. it would behoove the reader to just hang through it a bit. something unexpected and clear might arise.

Monday, January 30, 2006


Originally uploaded by dawidek.
i love plants. i really do. this is the flower bud of a bluish aloe i've had for three years which has never bloomed for me. if i can get the plants to survive damaging winter freezes, many succulents bloom in the winter.

Saturday, January 28, 2006


Originally uploaded by greenhem.

words that won't go away

as i was working on my online class, the word pupuceria came into my head, as i saw it once on a sign. salvadorean cuisine, anyone?

el menu

Sunday, January 22, 2006

it started to rain last night. i don't know exactly, but i think it's been more than 6 weeks since the last rain. i saw dust storms, it's been hot some days, landscapes are dying along the pedestrian bridge. now it's cold and wet, and more like november than september.

have you read the book 'the egyptian jukebox' by nick bantock? maybe you could write me and give me an idea what it's about? i have an advantageous position in getting good picks of withdrawn books from my school's library (like 'alicia y el pais de las maravillas), and came across this one. i've read the griffin and sabine series, which i enjoyed very much, but this one,.. well, i don't know yet what.

Saturday, January 21, 2006


common verb in my life these days. today it means i have a new computer. last week it meant attempting to repair the older one. dell is in austin. i ordered on wednesday and my new pc arrived on friday. now that's service.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

not yet exciting

so, i'm starting this teacher training online, and it's not shockingly fun or engaging yet. my software is clashing on my old computer, and it seems like i'm not going to finish in good time before sunday, which is the deadline. add to that the massive amount of data entry and reporting going on in the last week and a half so far. i want this to become smooth and understandable. love the TEKS. read the message boards. think like i'm a teacher in texas.

recent realization - i'm having a space renaissance. i love satelites and deep space probes.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

whoa. i really witnessed to the blog sucks and no one views it recently until i got an email from someone who actually read it that wasn't someone i already knew. now that i'll be cracking at the keyboard more often than normal, in that i'm starting some online courses for my teacher training, i'll be giving the 'what's the haps, howie?' mas con frecuencia. argh, the digital silence, the inconsistency.

today i went out to fly my kite. it's a spinning box kite that goes all kinds of crazylike through the sky. i attached three lines together, and it was so far out, i couldn't tell if it had fallen apart, or was still working properly. zilker park is THE place for flying, and so close to home.... it was hotter than pistols outside, and i saw a dust cloud like a tornado-ish thing not far from me. What's that all about?

i read about a volcano that's erupting in antartica called mount belinda that's melting so much fresh water that it's currently the largest flow of fresh water in the world.

what's happening in your world?